i don't even remember what i blogged about last, guess i should have looked!
in no particular i will post 9 things that come to mind....
jonathan had a pretty big deal head injury last month. long story short he fractured his head between his eyes kind of slanted down between his eye and nose.
he plays soccer. his coaches are tough but this is good. in this pic he's the one on the left.
we started school last week (homeschool) and it is going well. he's a smart kid and loves to learn so it makes my part easier.
tyler loves to do "school" to and we do letters and colors and have fun with things that 3 year olds enjoy.
jonathan does PE 2 times a week at the church. he enjoys it and it's so good for him to exersize and play with other kids. we are only doing it for the month of September. ($)
tyler and i either run errands or come home so he can nap and i can get some housework done.
tyler is a lot of fun and loves to do whatever jonathan does. he has a great personality but likes to be grumpy too. he makes a very serious face and can win the staring contest.
my friend emily is in italy on a mission trip for 3 months. check out her blog emilyitaly.wordpress.com
jonathan said some interesting things today as he does most days.
"i want to be buried next to jonathan when i die. since he was dad's friend he's my friend too. he seems like he was a really nice guy. his mom miss dottie showed me pictures and he looks really nice too. so yeah i want to be buried next to him in mississippi."
earlier i heard him tell tyler "you know tyler just because mom can't see you doesn't mean you can do that. God sees you all the time."
"mom i really want to see a mustard seed because you know that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move a mountain."
tyler likes to say things he hears on tv and pretend to be different characters. he likes for steven, jonathan, and i to pretend too.
pretty cute to see a 3 year olds mind come to life. he loves to have books read to him. i think we could read all day and he wouldn't get bored. after we read to him he likes to "read" it back to us. precious!
my sister and willow came for a visit last weekend. willow was 6 weeks old and absolutely precious! so so so glad they came so i could see her before she got too big. we had lots of fun. my friend emily took pics of willow. here are two of the pics she took below. check her out at http://www.dippitydotphotography.com
i think that was 9!
i have one hour to get my house spotless.......
kristi <3
Hey Kristi!
ReplyDeleteYou are too cute! I think you should blog more often (I think Kimberly would agree with that too) and I miss you! You are so precious to me... please tell the boys hello from Miss Emily :o).
Love, Em