You eat so good. Every 2-3 hours. You still wake up in the night to eat
I feed you breast milk but we started you on formula also because I couldn't keep up with you. You like them both but I feel better when you nurse :)
You've been lifting your head since you were born and you've just gotten even stronger. The doctor was even amazed by your strength. During tummy time you love to scoot and try to roll over.
You weigh a little over 7 pounds now and we can tell you're growing. You still wear newborn diapers and 0-3 month clothes are so big on you so you mostly wear onsies.
You are focusing on us now but don't smile on purpose yet. We can't wait for that!
You love when we give you clay baths. It is so relaxing for you.
You are so content. You only cry when it's time to eat or when we change your diaper. You had a really bad diaper rash and I think I cried more than you!!
You've already been to the beach! We visited your uncle Kevin in Pensacola and you loved the warmth and the sound of the ocean. You liked the sand on your feet but not too crazy about the cold water.
You got in the hot tub with me last week (not too hot of course) and you loved it so much. You were so relaxed with your arms and legs all stretched out.
Mommy and daddy love music and you love to be in between us when we slowdance :)
We've been going to the village (our clinic in highland village) more and you do so good even though it gets a little cold sometimes and we have to go outside and warm up. As soon we step out, you fall asleep. It's so funny. You LOVE being outside just like mommy and daddy.
When we run errands, you like to be in your sling with me and daddy carries you in a tummy back.
You get so much attention when we go out and you deserve every bit of it :)
We can't believe how much you've changed. We love you so much and are enjoying every minute of getting to know you!
New Born

One Month
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