-We think you weigh about 10 pounds or close to it. You're finally filling out and getting little rolls on your legs. :)
-You are still so good and content. You only cry when you're hungry.
-Your baths and your morning massages from mommy are your favorite times of the day.
-You love tummy time :)
-You sat in a bumbo the other night and you hold yourself up so good. You are so strong!
-You still eat 4 ounces about every 3 hours during the day. At night you go to bed before 8 and then wake up at about 12 or 1 to eat and then again at 6:30 or 7:30. Daddy and I take turns getting up with you.
-We went to a retirement home yesterday and the senior adults looooooooved you!! Several said that they wished a baby would come in sometime. You're already doing your part!
-In the mornings after you eat, momma and daddy work out and you love to watch us. You must think we're pretty silly.
-You are wearing size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes. You're getting too long for your newborn dresses but the onesies still fit.
-You started "talking" a couple of weeks ago and we can tell you're curious about where that little voice is coming from.
-You are starting to know who you are in the mirror.
-You don't smile much but we know you can because you've done it a few times. I think you just like to take it all in. You are so happy though, especially in the morning when you wake up.
-We watch you on the video monitor and daddy and I just stare at you and as soon as you open an eye, we race in to get you!! We love you sooo much!!
-We had our first "date" since you were born and nana babysat you. You did you good and slept great that night! We went to a movie but thought about you the whole time.
-You army crawl during belly time and it's soo cute. I know you'll be moving soon.
-You and mommy had a BIG ADVENTURE when we FLEW to see aunt kristi, uncle steven and your cousins, Jonathan and Tyler in Ft. Myers. You were soooo good and slept most of the plane ride! Your cousins love you so much and helped to hold and feed you and give you your passy. Aunt Kristi even stayed up with you at night! :)
-You had your first shots. Oh my goodness, Willow, it was sooo hard for mommy and daddy. Our tummies were in knots and you were so happy showing Dr. Rey how you can roll over and plank and you had no idea what was coming. We got to hold onto you and as soon as it was over we wrapped you up in our arms and held you so tight. You calmed down quickly but we were still shaky. I saved your banaids :)
-You love being read to! You look up at us and it's so cute. We read our Bible every day, I want you to be familiar with all the names and stories and I pray for the day that you'll ask Jesus to come into your heart like daddy and mommy did. :)
-You also love hymns...especially Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know and There's Just Something About that Name.
-"Hollywood" is filming a movie right now on the street that we lived in when you were in my tummy. Very exciting ;)
You're such a sweet blessing to us and so many people and I am so so so very thankful for you. I tell daddy all the time that if I had known it was you in my belly, I never would have been so scared when we found out we were expecting. You are such a gift and we are so thankful for you!

6 Weeks

2 Months
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