Tuesday, April 27, 2010

w's questions for kristi

1. how often do you have to cut your toenails? what's the longest recently you've gone without cutting them and how long were they?

2. what's the best smell you've smelled in the last week?

3. what is something you can't eat b/c it reminds you of something you can't stand? and what does it remind you of?

4. if you could make a trip to the sun, what would be the best time of day to go to keep from getting burned?

5. do you think you could eat an entire double down from kfc? (google it)

6. what's the most toilet paper you've used in one sitting?

7. if you adopted a haitian baby girl what would you name her?

8. if i let u go fishing with me would you bait your own hook with maggots?

9. when's the last time you wore jorts?

10. if jj was 17, would u let him date a girl that was 20?

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