First, thank you so much for all the bday love. It was serisouly one of the best days ever. I let myself be free and have SO much fun! My cheeks and belly hurt from laughing so much!! :)
So, why a post on donuts? I was on a little weekend getaway this past weekend and everytime I saw a Donut sign, I would point it out. My friend said "Donuts must be really special to you". I thought it was such a strange statement...donuts, special?? But then I thought, wow, they really are. When we were little my daddy worked SO hard (still does) and that meant working a LOT of hours, sometimes even in the night and I don't really remember a LOT about him being home. Don't get me wrong, I always knew that he was working FOR us!! But, the most special times, usually once a week, were when he took my sister and I to get donuts. First it was a place we nick mamed "the honey nut donut shop" b/c the sign looked like cheerios and then when Krispy Kreme opened, we went there. It was soo much fun watching the donuts being made. We'd each get to pick 2 donuts (I usually got sprinkles) and we'd sit and talk and eat our treats. I remember feeling so proud to be out with my daddy. Sometimes we'd eat too many donuts and I'd spin around on the little stool and feel sooo sick but I didn't even care. Now of course, I can't eat donuts b/c of eating vegan but we do have a weekly lunch date and that is just as special to me. I wonder if all of us have something like that, that brings us back to sweet memories...
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