So this week I've learned a lot of things...about myself, my family, my dear friends, and my God. I've experienced every emotion possible but the one that has lasted is the overwhelming feeling of being covered with unconditional love and grace. I am a daughter of God, nothing can ever ever change that and just because I mess up, doesn't mean that He will love me any less or that I am no longer His. Just like I'll never not be a daughter of my earthly parents. It is everlasting and unconditional and that is such a big thing to grasp. We can't do anything to lose that relationship...ever. Wow. That doesn't mean that I want to purposely sin, it just means that when (not if) I mess up, I don't have to run and hide, I can go before my Father and confess my sins and expose my heart and He will wrap me in His loving arms and welcome me back. I can't wait to meet Him and bow at His feet and thank Him for who he is and what He is.
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