tyler fell down and scratched his knee, when he looked down and saw the blood he said very concerned "mommy there's fire on my leg"
in the car the other day jonathan said "mommy, tyler just broke on of the ten commandments". i asked him which one and he said that tyler took something and that's stealing!!
2- what did you do this weekend? (post a pic)
we went to target, bass pro (me and jonathan), movie (me and jonathan and some friends), easter egg hunt (all of us), pizza (all of us), cooked a lot, outlet mall (me), pool (me), playground (me and kids), fed some homeless people (steven and kirk), church (all of us).....can't remember what else!
3- what are you looking forward to that's coming up?
camping friday with the enguitas
4- have the boys been grounded lately? what do they get grounded from?
the boys do get grounded. haha jonathan gets grounded from tv, video games, computer
tyler gets grounded from playing
5- what did the boys do when you told them they could play in their room?
i had told them they could play in their room but keep any messes in there. they got EVERYTHING out!!!!! after i saw what they did jonathan said "i bet you'll never say that again"!
6- what's the best meal you've cooked this month?
my favorite was this mexicanish, chicken, rice, cheese dish. we used it as a dip with tortilla chips
7- what's your pet peeve of the moment?
unending laundry, but the more i think of it.....i am so blessed to have a family to do laundry for!
8- what did you learn in church sunday?
live on purpose.
get a passport if you don't have one. as a christian we are supposed to be ready to do whatever God calls us to do, whenever he tells us to. so be ready to GO!
9- what do you want to eat right now?
chocolate cake, DUH!
10- can i have your children?
no you may not have my children!
number 5 might be the funniest thing EVER!