Monday, March 22, 2010


Kinda? I don't get violent about the weird weather like some, but I am ready for it to feel like spring. It's my fave season afterall. However I'm sure I'll be begging for cold weather in a few months :)

I'm 19 weeks now! And since I'll be having a C-Section, I'm halfway!! It seems like it was forever ago that we found out but now that we have exciting things happening (sonograms, nursery decor, etc) the time is going by more quickly.

Last week was Spring Break and since a lot of our clients were on vaca, we took Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday off. It was SO AWESOME!!!! Thursday, we went out for a bit and I got a pregnancy journal and a few new maternity items. It's so hard to find cute stuff but oh well, so worth it. Of course I come out of the fitting room to show W something and there he is, in a maternity dress with the pillow stuffed under it. Wow. The women loved him though of course!
Friday after Pilates, we went out on my parents boat for the first time this year. The weather was GORGEOUS!!! Our main reason for going was so that W could "teach us" all how to fish so we got to the perfect spot and waited...and waited...and nothing!! We were out for about 3 hours and I was having a HORRIBLE Chiari day so I was definitely ready to go back. After we got home, W went back out and caught about 15 fish....hmmmm, maybe it was me??
Saturday my mom and I dcecided we were going to try to find garage sales so we started out at about 6 *yawn* and really didn't find any good ones. But it was fun anyway. W was going to fish all day so he headed out too. I ended up going out there for a while but the fish weren't biting so we went to breakfast. I really wanted him to have his time so I went window shopping and he fished til around 3 or 4 and caught 28 which we will soon be having for dinner. Mmmm.
Sunday after church we went to lunch and just sat and talked for a couple hours. Its weird how we are together 27-7 but we never run out of things to talk about. We drove around for a while but there's just not much to do in Jackson so we went home and relaxed the rest of the day. We both needed it, though.
Today we are back at it and I am soooo sleepy...just can't seem to shake it??

So, last night the Health Care Bill passed and I'm not gonna go into it too much but I will say this. I don't agree with the government deciding how everything will be done for us...especially this government, BUT it bothers me how people talk about the ones who benefit from it are only the poor people on welfare who are too lazy to get a job, etc. I am the perfect candidate for this Bill. I was born with a brain condition and insurers WILL NOT cover me. I have worked hard (and still do) since I was 12 and I am in no way wanting to "mooch" off of anybody. But I've been overwhelmed with medical bills in the past....hundreds of thousands of dollars of bills and I didn't choose to file bankrupt or ignore the debt....I worked through it and paid every penny of it. But the fact that I may be able to be insured (and affordably) does encourage me. There's good and bad in this...I know close friends who could potentially lose their jobs b/c most of their patients are medicade and I don't think that's right but if this does happen, at least try to see the good parts....the hard working americans who just might benefit from this. Capiche? ;)

Anyhoo, I need to go to the market now.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree that there is good and bad in the health care bill. I, also, have had insurance issues. I have insurance but it is over-priced and does not even cover anything relating to my headaches and back(thank you, pre-existing conditions).
    Happy Pregnancy Half Way Point! ;)
