Kristi is on a mission trip but she WILL be posting ALL about her life when she returns. Otherwise, I am posting a "cute" video I've got stashed away for times like these ;)
This weekend was full of excitement. We've had a baby shower in Tupelo planned for us for a while now but I don't think either of us realized how far along I'd be. Since we were there on his dads B-day weekend, we went up a day early (Friday) and had a surprise bday dinner for his dad. We left at about 4 and on the way there, I started getting pretty uncomfortable. I was having a lot of new lower pack pain that wrapped around my lower abs so we got out and walked around about half way. The closer we got to Tupelo, the more it went from uncomfortable to pretty painful. We went straight to the restaurant and the pain got worse and worse and my belly would get so tight and when it got to the point that it was hard to talk, we went outside and called my mom. She said to call the DRs office just to let them know. The nurse on call called us right back and said to go ahead and get to the ER just to be monitored. We checked in and they were sooo sweet. It's hospital policy that they have to transfer me to the women's place by ambulance so I was glad when the nice men let me ride up front. I told them I reallly didn't want to ride where all the blood and guts have been. W followed us over there and by that time, I didn't fuss about riding in the wheelchair. They brought me to L&D and the nurse came and hooked me up to the heart rate monitor and contraction monitor. Her heart was as perfect as ever and they monitored my contractions for about 30 minutes before the Dr came in. He was SOOO kind and it was his last night of OB before retiring. He showed me the contractions on the paper and after the exam and no dilation that it was probably caused by the car ride and dehydration. He gave me some Benadryll to help me relax and encouraged me to come back anytime that I felt bad so we left and went to go find a hotel room. I guess there was a big baseball competiton so the first 3 hotels we checked were full. Finally we checked in at a Hilton and I could hardly walk up to the room. Dramatic, huh? Whatev, it hurt. I stayed in bed ALL day on Saturday to rest up for our shower that night and W was right beside me, except when I forced him to go have lunch with one of his bf's. At about 4, I felt pretty much back to normal so I started getting ready. The shower was at a dear family friends house and it was beautiful. They held it in the courtyard and it was just soso nice to meet all of these people I've heard about for so long. It was a couples shower and such a big turnout, I was surprised. It was amazing to hear and see how loved and respected my husband is, even though he was CRAZY growing up. Boy did I hear some stories!! Everyone was so welcoming of me and so happy for our family. I sat down a little bit but after about 3 1/2 hours I couldn't do it anymore and W knew we has pushed it so we said our thank you's and goodbyes and went back to rest. Sunday we didn't rush and at around 11 we went back to their house to pick up our presents and visit over coffee for a bit. Again, it was so good to finally know these special people. We had lunch and headed back. W had set up a little "bed" in the back so I could lay down but I was so antsy it didn't last too long :)
Since everything turned out well, we are kind of thankful that we had the little scare b/c we realize Willow Kate IS coming and may not wait until her due date so we kicked it into high gear when we got home. BIG things are happening with our business that I'll be able to talk about more later so we are kicking it into overdrive to get some things settled before she comes. I've been taking it a lot easier but it is SO HARD. Especially with your own business b/c it's completely up to you to get things done. I ordered an iPad today so that I can work a lot easier away from the office. Last night, my dad took me to Babies R Us to get some must haves for Willow's arrival. I have everything washed and ready so her room is all ready and everytime I walk by, I get the biggest smile on my face. I sit in her rocking chair and talk to her and I get so excited thinking about meeing her.
We had our checkup this morning and they did the testing on her with sonogram. There were 4 tests but the only one I remember is her breathing test. That perfectly formed little girl took big breaths and scored and 8 out of 8!!! She's 4 lbs 11 oz and healthy as can be with a full head of thick hair. I just love day dreamin about what color it will be and whose eyes and nose she will have. Dr. Wooley said he would go ahead and put down August 5th for the c-section but he'll be very surprised if she waits that long. I'm excited in a way but I thought that since she was scheduled, I'd get to skip "going into labor". Oh well, at least I can say I went though it! So we are packing our hospital bags and ready to go. I feel like my instincts are getting my body ready for something big. Just little things happening that are new and different so I'm guessing a couple weeks from now, we might see something happen. Who knows. I know God is in absolute control as He has been since before we even knew about her.
We start the weekly appointments now so we'll see how we progress. :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
about my pregnancy :)

Your name? Kimberly
Fathers name? William
Are you still with him? forever and ever
Were you trying to get pregnant? definitely not
When you found out:
When did you find out? December 8th
Were did you find out? I was at my apartment and asked W to bring over a test. The black women at the pharmacy told him exactly which kind to get, lol.
How far along were you? by the time i saw the dr, i was 4 weeks i think
What was your reaction? devastated, scared, ashamed....tears were pouring out and i kept saying "nonononononononono. do u think it's real? nonononononononono"
Who was the first person you told? Jennifer, she's the one that told me I needed to take a test
How did you tell the father? he was right there when i saw the plus sign
What was his reaction? he held me so tight and was comforting me but he was already so excited, he saw beyond the present situation and already realized what a blessing she was
All about your pregnancy:
When is your due date? Originally August 15 but she's a c-section so probably the 4-5th.
Did you have any morning sickness? yes, really bad from about 4-12 weeks
What are your fears? her cord wrapping around her neck :(
What are you most happy about? EVERYTHING...that this is real and I get to meet her in a few weeks and be her mommy forever
Did you want a boy or girl? it didn't matter at all b/c i want both :)
What did the father want boy or girl? it didnt matter but he said he KNEW it was a girl as soon as he saw the positive
Do you know what your having? a girl :)
Do you have a name picked out? Willow Kate
How much weight have you gained? 14 pounds
Have you felt the baby move? alll the time, it's amazing!!
When you have the baby:
Are you keeping the baby? pretty sure ;) no really though, i can't imagine what those mommys go through that give their baby up, what a sacrifice!!
Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth? me-di-ca-ted
Are you scared about labor? nope :)
What do you think will be the worst part of labor? recovery
Have you taken any classes? nah, i'd rather not see all that.
Who will be in the delivery room? since it's c-section, only w can be there but i WISH so bad it was w, my mom and sister
Are you having the birth videotaped? it'll be asking a lot for w not to pass out at all so we won't push that :)
Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time? uncontrollably.
What do you think the fathers reaction to the baby will be? same, hes so in love with her
How do you think family and friends will feel? happy :)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
For Kristi...
So, seester. In case you feel in a rut or just too busy to make little decisions like this, I've put together a few things I think you would look sosososo cute in!!!!

I love this little Romper for you. I told you that you could really pull it off and I think this is the perfect casual one!

I'd keep it simple with accessories with this cute pendant necklace and this simple right-hand ring


These gold flats would go with so many things while you can still chase after the little ones!

I really love this purse but,

You'd probably be more comfortable in this one.
Oh and how could I forget your ride??

This lovely, white Toyota Sequoia :)
What do you think??
*(All clothing/jewlery/shoes are from Forever 21. Purses are from Hobo International)

I love this little Romper for you. I told you that you could really pull it off and I think this is the perfect casual one!

I'd keep it simple with accessories with this cute pendant necklace and this simple right-hand ring


These gold flats would go with so many things while you can still chase after the little ones!

I really love this purse but,

You'd probably be more comfortable in this one.
Oh and how could I forget your ride??

This lovely, white Toyota Sequoia :)
What do you think??
*(All clothing/jewlery/shoes are from Forever 21. Purses are from Hobo International)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Daddy W
Willow Kate and I really enjoyed spoiling W yesterday for his first Fathers Day. We got up early and I made whole wheat pancakes with mini chocolate chips and strawberry "butter" and fresh fruit. (why would i serve rotten fruit, anyway. whatev) Then I had gotten him a bag of his favorite flavor coffee from Beagle Bagel and made him that also. When we brought it in, he cried. It was so sweet b/c he really really appreciated it. P.S. The pic looks awful and yes I did burn 2 of them but he said they were amazing...b/c he's amazing like that. Ha!

Then we got him a "certificate" for another pair of 5-finger shoes b/c they are sold out everywhere. And an Anatomy Coloring Book he wanted. It's for when you're studying, you color in the different muscles, etc to learn better. I LOVE that he always wants to learn MORE.
We got ready and went to church (it's been 2 weeks since we've been b/c of traveling) and it was SO good. We've been in a serious called "Sex Talk" and it's exactly what it sounds like. Yesterday was how to be a great lover and it was soooo good and just makes SO much sense. The best part was when he said "some nights are candle light and barry white...others will be strobe lights and apple bottom jeans". wow.
W picked where he wanted to eat lunch so we went to Pan Asia. Sat on the patio and the breeze was perfect and the food was of course great. Company was even better ;)

W has been wanted to get me a dress for a while so we went to the mall to try to find something for me to wear at our Tupelo shower this weekend. We found one option but we didn't LOVE it so I'll keep looking this week.
We came up to the office to put our new chairs from Ikea together and they look great!
We took a little dip in the hot tub (i should call it lukewarm tub so no one freaks out) and then W had to decide what he wanted for dinner. I offered to cook but it had to be what he reaaalllyy wanted. He picked Soulshine Pizza. I went to pick it up and the men couldn't believe he "made his pregnant wife come out in the hot sun to get it" and I assured them that he is soooo good to me that it is my PLEASURE to do things for him. It really is.
He finished his day with a massage from a therapist that comes to the house to work on him. It's this HUGE almost 400 pound man that we love. While he was doing that, I hung up EVERY ARTICLE OF CLOTHING WE OWN. Okay people, i should have taken pics. I am sosososososo bad about not hanging stuff up. You can always tell where I changed clothes b/c they'll be sitting there a week later right where I left them. It's been weighing on me to get this done but just haven't had the chance. I gotta say, it felt SO good getting in bed last night knowing we were organized and it would take no time to find clothes in the morning. I also color coded everything like I used to do so even better! W is happy too :)
We've got a busy week again (thank you, God) and then we'll head to Tupelo for the weekend. Hopefully this will be my last trip before Willow comes. :)

Then we got him a "certificate" for another pair of 5-finger shoes b/c they are sold out everywhere. And an Anatomy Coloring Book he wanted. It's for when you're studying, you color in the different muscles, etc to learn better. I LOVE that he always wants to learn MORE.
We got ready and went to church (it's been 2 weeks since we've been b/c of traveling) and it was SO good. We've been in a serious called "Sex Talk" and it's exactly what it sounds like. Yesterday was how to be a great lover and it was soooo good and just makes SO much sense. The best part was when he said "some nights are candle light and barry white...others will be strobe lights and apple bottom jeans". wow.
W picked where he wanted to eat lunch so we went to Pan Asia. Sat on the patio and the breeze was perfect and the food was of course great. Company was even better ;)

W has been wanted to get me a dress for a while so we went to the mall to try to find something for me to wear at our Tupelo shower this weekend. We found one option but we didn't LOVE it so I'll keep looking this week.
We came up to the office to put our new chairs from Ikea together and they look great!
We took a little dip in the hot tub (i should call it lukewarm tub so no one freaks out) and then W had to decide what he wanted for dinner. I offered to cook but it had to be what he reaaalllyy wanted. He picked Soulshine Pizza. I went to pick it up and the men couldn't believe he "made his pregnant wife come out in the hot sun to get it" and I assured them that he is soooo good to me that it is my PLEASURE to do things for him. It really is.
He finished his day with a massage from a therapist that comes to the house to work on him. It's this HUGE almost 400 pound man that we love. While he was doing that, I hung up EVERY ARTICLE OF CLOTHING WE OWN. Okay people, i should have taken pics. I am sosososososo bad about not hanging stuff up. You can always tell where I changed clothes b/c they'll be sitting there a week later right where I left them. It's been weighing on me to get this done but just haven't had the chance. I gotta say, it felt SO good getting in bed last night knowing we were organized and it would take no time to find clothes in the morning. I also color coded everything like I used to do so even better! W is happy too :)
We've got a busy week again (thank you, God) and then we'll head to Tupelo for the weekend. Hopefully this will be my last trip before Willow comes. :)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
We had the BEST weekend on our little work/play getaway. We worked Thursday and I had the car all loaded so we could take off after our last appt. We had decided to just drive to wherever and stop when we got tired so we ended up about 30 minutes out of Atlanta. The trip FLEW by for both of radio, just talking :) We leaded out the next morning and drove straight to IKEA. We looove IKEA for little accessories and simple pieces so we knew we would load up.
3ish hours later, we headed to Atlantic Station for lunch at a little Bistro and enjoyed sitting outside people watching.
We got to our hotel which was where W's CEU classes were and it was awful. We asked to look at a room and W said he could NOT leave us in there so we found a super cute one across the street and we got upgraded and $40 knocked off for our "trouble"!! He had night classes that night and after we realized Atlanta is an hour AHEAD, we realized he had to be there in about 15 minutes to rush over there. Willow and I chilled and then W brought us dinner.
I haven't been doing to great on my little outings these days (get dizzy and light headed alot) so I wasn't sure how to plan my days. I decided to just chill out by the pool on Saturday and he came and visited me for lunch. After that I thought I'd venture out for about an hour so I found a Forever 21 and got a couple things but headed straight back just in case. We went to Atlantic Station again that night for dinner and walked around their little street market. W got me the coolest bracelet! Oh I forgot, BEFORE that, W had asked me to come to his class b/c he wanted his instructor to show him how to best help my ribs. Well, she decided to "experiment" with these little herbal things that you light with a lighter and then suction to your skin. She had them lined up all down my back and ribs and they were like little smoke signals. It didn't help the pain but I was sooooo relaxed. I felt like I'd had a hit of demoral or something. She also put accupressure beads on my ear to help with headache and I was to leave them on for 5 days. The next morning I woke up super sick and realized one of them had come off so she said it could have caused an imbalance and I did the right thing by taking the rest off.

Sunday was his last day of class and I met his group for lunch. He was done around 4 or 5 and we drove to Bham. We stayed at aloft hotel and it's sooooooo cute. We had dinner at Jackson's (a place in nashville i love) and had AMAZING cookie dough egg rolls for dessert. They sound gross but it's raw cookie dough rolled in a thin pastry (like phyllo) with icecream on top. We could only eat a couple bites but he HAD to try it!!
Monday, we were in no rush to get back so we went to the Summit and had lunch (the BIGGEST salad ever at CPK) and browsed in a few stores. I finally found a diaper bag for wk! It's from GAP and was way on sale and it's white with brown leather details and kind denimy and so cute!! We headed home and again the trip just flew by. It was soooo nice to be able to mix work and play like that!
We've had a BUSY week since we've been back in the office! Yesterday I was on our bank account page and saw some weird transactions and realized someone in GEORGIA was using our debit card!!! They had already charged about $1200, including a nice little snack at cracker barrel. Ugh. Luckily we have the most amazing bank and "banker" that immediately took care of it. We caught it just in time, thank goodness!
We finally have our hot tub up and running and it's been sooooooo nice to chill out in the evenings and mornings. It's set on the perfect temp so it's just warm enough to relax your muscles but not to get over heated. And of course with WK, thats important! :)
We're going to do a super fun "boho inspired" belly shoot today with my bf Jenny McNeill. She's sooo talented and I can't wait to see what she has up her lil sleeve!!
WK and I are very excited for Father's Day tomorrow! We have a lot of little surprises in the works ;)
3ish hours later, we headed to Atlantic Station for lunch at a little Bistro and enjoyed sitting outside people watching.
We got to our hotel which was where W's CEU classes were and it was awful. We asked to look at a room and W said he could NOT leave us in there so we found a super cute one across the street and we got upgraded and $40 knocked off for our "trouble"!! He had night classes that night and after we realized Atlanta is an hour AHEAD, we realized he had to be there in about 15 minutes to rush over there. Willow and I chilled and then W brought us dinner.
I haven't been doing to great on my little outings these days (get dizzy and light headed alot) so I wasn't sure how to plan my days. I decided to just chill out by the pool on Saturday and he came and visited me for lunch. After that I thought I'd venture out for about an hour so I found a Forever 21 and got a couple things but headed straight back just in case. We went to Atlantic Station again that night for dinner and walked around their little street market. W got me the coolest bracelet! Oh I forgot, BEFORE that, W had asked me to come to his class b/c he wanted his instructor to show him how to best help my ribs. Well, she decided to "experiment" with these little herbal things that you light with a lighter and then suction to your skin. She had them lined up all down my back and ribs and they were like little smoke signals. It didn't help the pain but I was sooooo relaxed. I felt like I'd had a hit of demoral or something. She also put accupressure beads on my ear to help with headache and I was to leave them on for 5 days. The next morning I woke up super sick and realized one of them had come off so she said it could have caused an imbalance and I did the right thing by taking the rest off.

Monday, we were in no rush to get back so we went to the Summit and had lunch (the BIGGEST salad ever at CPK) and browsed in a few stores. I finally found a diaper bag for wk! It's from GAP and was way on sale and it's white with brown leather details and kind denimy and so cute!! We headed home and again the trip just flew by. It was soooo nice to be able to mix work and play like that!
We've had a BUSY week since we've been back in the office! Yesterday I was on our bank account page and saw some weird transactions and realized someone in GEORGIA was using our debit card!!! They had already charged about $1200, including a nice little snack at cracker barrel. Ugh. Luckily we have the most amazing bank and "banker" that immediately took care of it. We caught it just in time, thank goodness!
We finally have our hot tub up and running and it's been sooooooo nice to chill out in the evenings and mornings. It's set on the perfect temp so it's just warm enough to relax your muscles but not to get over heated. And of course with WK, thats important! :)
We're going to do a super fun "boho inspired" belly shoot today with my bf Jenny McNeill. She's sooo talented and I can't wait to see what she has up her lil sleeve!!
WK and I are very excited for Father's Day tomorrow! We have a lot of little surprises in the works ;)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Our Mother
People I'm telling you. Our mother is the most hilarious person you will ever meet and she doesn't even realize it. I SOOO wish she'd blog!! Today is her B-day and we were going to pick blueberries but the farm that has them was closed. Ugh. So we went to Barnes and Noble and so I could get something I needed. A book obviously, not trying to be sneaky.
We park the car and there's a car in front of us with a hole in the front bumper and I asked her how she thought it got there. She said, oh a deer mustve stopped it with it's hoove. Yes, that must be what happened.

Then inside theres a man giving his sales pitch to a woman in starbucks and my mom says, I'm gonna go whisper in that womans ear "Everything he is saying to you is complete BONK!". What in the world is bonk anyway? LoL.
Then as we were walking out, she asked me what was "clattering" in my purse. I told her to guess and she says, Malted Milk Balls in a Tupperware. It was Tylenol but the other would have been so much more reasonable.
Seriously, my stomach hurts after being with her b/c it's one thing after the other that is so stinking funny. I love her.
We park the car and there's a car in front of us with a hole in the front bumper and I asked her how she thought it got there. She said, oh a deer mustve stopped it with it's hoove. Yes, that must be what happened.

Then inside theres a man giving his sales pitch to a woman in starbucks and my mom says, I'm gonna go whisper in that womans ear "Everything he is saying to you is complete BONK!". What in the world is bonk anyway? LoL.
Then as we were walking out, she asked me what was "clattering" in my purse. I told her to guess and she says, Malted Milk Balls in a Tupperware. It was Tylenol but the other would have been so much more reasonable.
Seriously, my stomach hurts after being with her b/c it's one thing after the other that is so stinking funny. I love her.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
questions from kimberly to kristi
What did you last pay for with cash? sprite for the boys yesterday
What color is your toenail polish and why did you pick it? it's like a rusty brownish color. sounds ugly huh?! i picked it because i think my sister had the same color. but now i'm ready to go back to red or something brighter
Post the most recent picture you uploaded and explain.

i'm a little behind on uploading pics but this was when jonathan had pink eye and we used the miracle clay to see if it would help. and it DID!!! he woke up completely fine!!!
Do you ever wish you could have press on and peel off skin? No? Okay, nevermind.
haha yep my answer would be heck no!
Say something inspiring to me.
take it one day at a time, whatever it may be. and if that's too much take it one hour at a time or even set the timer for
20 minutes at a time...........
Do you get in the water at the beach?
only to my knees because it's creepy not being able to see what's underneath.
Did JJ make any rules (or requests) for you lately? Did you obey?
on tuesday he requested that next day (wed.) i not do ANY house work and that i could play with them all day. i DID obey!!
Has JJ had any new hair do's?
after his shower yesterday he combed it like superman. today at lunch he looked in the mirror and made his hair look "handsome" and he said "if river saw me i bet she would like me"
Does Ty ever say he has a baby in his tummy?
yes almost every day
Has Ty ever said you had a certain food on you? LoL.
shut up!!!
Whats the last movie you saw at home? Did you like it?
7 pounds. yes i really liked it and you need to see it!
What color is your toenail polish and why did you pick it? it's like a rusty brownish color. sounds ugly huh?! i picked it because i think my sister had the same color. but now i'm ready to go back to red or something brighter
Post the most recent picture you uploaded and explain.
i'm a little behind on uploading pics but this was when jonathan had pink eye and we used the miracle clay to see if it would help. and it DID!!! he woke up completely fine!!!
Do you ever wish you could have press on and peel off skin? No? Okay, nevermind.
haha yep my answer would be heck no!
Say something inspiring to me.
take it one day at a time, whatever it may be. and if that's too much take it one hour at a time or even set the timer for
20 minutes at a time...........
Do you get in the water at the beach?
only to my knees because it's creepy not being able to see what's underneath.
Did JJ make any rules (or requests) for you lately? Did you obey?
on tuesday he requested that next day (wed.) i not do ANY house work and that i could play with them all day. i DID obey!!
Has JJ had any new hair do's?
after his shower yesterday he combed it like superman. today at lunch he looked in the mirror and made his hair look "handsome" and he said "if river saw me i bet she would like me"
Does Ty ever say he has a baby in his tummy?
yes almost every day
Has Ty ever said you had a certain food on you? LoL.
shut up!!!
Whats the last movie you saw at home? Did you like it?
7 pounds. yes i really liked it and you need to see it!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
This past weekend was the annual ELVIS FEST in my boys hometown of Tupelo, MS. Even though a lot of our family lives there, I've never been so I was pretty excited to go and meet a lot more of w's friends. His sister, Melinda and nephew Ben came into town on Thursday from Dallas and stayed the night with us. His mom and stepdad also drove in for dinner. Since I don't have matching dishes (ha!) I decided not to cook and we went for some Asian Fusion. YUM, everyone loved it! Melinda and Ben headed out Friday afternoon and we headed out early Saturday. The parade started at 10 and by the time we arrived at 10:30 it was over so we found Melinda and W's dad and walked around for a bit. It was SO hot out so we decided to cool off for a bit at "The Ice House". This is an old ice distribution company that W worked for as a teenager and the owner is a dear family friend that has turned it into sort of a venue for the locals to hang out/entertain. They had performers all day and yummy BBQ. It seemed like everyone was connected in some way and they made me feel so welcome. Melinda and I went for a little shopping excursion at Reed's and then it was nap time for everyone :) We got a hotel right down the street so we crashed for several hours until we went back to The Ice House that night. Ben ended up getting sick (thanks to uncle w's icecream eating challenge) so he and Melinda stayed in. Some other life long friends were able to join us and it was SO nice to sit around a visit with them and enjoy the music. W's dad even sang a couple of songs. He was quite the traveling performer back in the day! It was after midnight before we left (thats late for us old-timers) so we had no problem crashing that night. Sunday we brought breakfast over to his dads and then headed home. We went the Trace and just took our time to enjoy eachother and the scenery. W even stopped to pick me wildflowers. They are my absolute favorite and I think it's so strange that someone would rather buy flowers than get them from nature. :) When we got home, I felt like i'd been hit by a truck so we had a really nice evening at home relaxing.
Monday was back to the grind and we're so thankful we have a FULL week!! It's a short week though b/c we leave Thursday afternoon for Atlanta where he has CEU's. I think it's Continued Educational Units? He has to have a certain amount every year so it's nice to get them done before Willow arrives.
Speaking of Willow Kate, we had a GREAT report from the Dr. He was very pleased and I don't have to go every week anymore!! It was soooo neat to see her this time b/c she had hiccups while the sono was on her. It was soooo stinkin cute!!!!! And for the first time, I noticed her chubby little cheeks. We got to see her straight on and it wasn't as creepy this time now that she has more fat on her. Before she was just skeleton and it looked weird :) She been good and I've only been crampy twice but it was after having a full day! She gets hiccups at least twice a dat and its soooooo amazing to watch my belly twitch and know that it is my daughter in there!! We can not wait to hold her!!
We have enough situated for me to feel good about her coming home. I mainly wanted her carseat/stroller, blankets and onesies but we also have her stroller,swing, bathtub and lots of cute outfits for her and her essentials like diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, etc. I'm not worrying about having things we can get later like a highchair or bumbo b/c i know it will be a while before she can even use those. I think I'm gonna pack our hospital bag this week just to be safe :)
I think thats going to decide what to make for dinner....
Monday was back to the grind and we're so thankful we have a FULL week!! It's a short week though b/c we leave Thursday afternoon for Atlanta where he has CEU's. I think it's Continued Educational Units? He has to have a certain amount every year so it's nice to get them done before Willow arrives.
Speaking of Willow Kate, we had a GREAT report from the Dr. He was very pleased and I don't have to go every week anymore!! It was soooo neat to see her this time b/c she had hiccups while the sono was on her. It was soooo stinkin cute!!!!! And for the first time, I noticed her chubby little cheeks. We got to see her straight on and it wasn't as creepy this time now that she has more fat on her. Before she was just skeleton and it looked weird :) She been good and I've only been crampy twice but it was after having a full day! She gets hiccups at least twice a dat and its soooooo amazing to watch my belly twitch and know that it is my daughter in there!! We can not wait to hold her!!
We have enough situated for me to feel good about her coming home. I mainly wanted her carseat/stroller, blankets and onesies but we also have her stroller,swing, bathtub and lots of cute outfits for her and her essentials like diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, etc. I'm not worrying about having things we can get later like a highchair or bumbo b/c i know it will be a while before she can even use those. I think I'm gonna pack our hospital bag this week just to be safe :)
I think thats going to decide what to make for dinner....
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
questions for kimberly
what did you eat for dinner tonight?
beans. duh. then i had cantaloupe for a snack
what are two things you must accomplish before wk is born?
install the carseat, get our washing machine fixed
have you had any crazy dreams lately? if so details please.....
this morning i woke up laughing and w asked me what was so funny. he had been watching me for 15 minutes b/c it mae him happy that i was happy :) but i was dreaming about an iron squirting all over jason from the bachelor. please don't judge me. haha
do you plan on going back to school? or becoming a massage therapist too?
nope. i think it would be cool and i love to learn about it but i'd never have the strength to do it and i would never wanna do it on men. yuck.
what percent of a persons income should they live on? does that make sense?
well, i'm not exactly sure what you mean but i'll answer anyway. you know i'm a big dave ramsey fan so i think your house payment/rent should not be more than 1/4 of your take home pay, and assuming theres no debt i think if you budget all the necessities and add to your savings then it would be...10% tithe, 25% house, maybe 15% house bills, then the rest save :) i', sure that will change once willow is here though! right now it's just basic i guess.
where's the last place w took you for a date?
well since we're always together it's different but the last date we went to we went to sams and then burgers and blues :)
tell us about your new dining room table!
it's a super old turquoisey door i got at the flea market several years ago for the top and then daddy built saw horses to put it on and benches for the seats. i haven't decided how i'm gonna finish the wood though. any ideas?
do you plan on settling in jackson for the long run? why or why not?
yeah probably. we love it here and we have a big business base here already. eventually (i saw 10 years, w says 1) we want to have "satellite" clinics and pilates studios combined. prolly nashville and wherever you live so you can run it :)
do you have your hospital bag packed yet?
no but we were just talking about how we should. what should we put in it?
list five things you desire to have for wk before she is born?
for wk? um, monitors for our rooms, socks, plain white onesies, breast pump (i guess thats more for me), bottles/pacis
beans. duh. then i had cantaloupe for a snack
what are two things you must accomplish before wk is born?
install the carseat, get our washing machine fixed
have you had any crazy dreams lately? if so details please.....
this morning i woke up laughing and w asked me what was so funny. he had been watching me for 15 minutes b/c it mae him happy that i was happy :) but i was dreaming about an iron squirting all over jason from the bachelor. please don't judge me. haha
do you plan on going back to school? or becoming a massage therapist too?
nope. i think it would be cool and i love to learn about it but i'd never have the strength to do it and i would never wanna do it on men. yuck.
what percent of a persons income should they live on? does that make sense?
well, i'm not exactly sure what you mean but i'll answer anyway. you know i'm a big dave ramsey fan so i think your house payment/rent should not be more than 1/4 of your take home pay, and assuming theres no debt i think if you budget all the necessities and add to your savings then it would be...10% tithe, 25% house, maybe 15% house bills, then the rest save :) i', sure that will change once willow is here though! right now it's just basic i guess.
where's the last place w took you for a date?
well since we're always together it's different but the last date we went to we went to sams and then burgers and blues :)
tell us about your new dining room table!
it's a super old turquoisey door i got at the flea market several years ago for the top and then daddy built saw horses to put it on and benches for the seats. i haven't decided how i'm gonna finish the wood though. any ideas?
do you plan on settling in jackson for the long run? why or why not?
yeah probably. we love it here and we have a big business base here already. eventually (i saw 10 years, w says 1) we want to have "satellite" clinics and pilates studios combined. prolly nashville and wherever you live so you can run it :)
do you have your hospital bag packed yet?
no but we were just talking about how we should. what should we put in it?
list five things you desire to have for wk before she is born?
for wk? um, monitors for our rooms, socks, plain white onesies, breast pump (i guess thats more for me), bottles/pacis
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