Your name? Kimberly
Fathers name? William
Are you still with him? forever and ever
Were you trying to get pregnant? definitely not
When you found out:
When did you find out? December 8th
Were did you find out? I was at my apartment and asked W to bring over a test. The black women at the pharmacy told him exactly which kind to get, lol.
How far along were you? by the time i saw the dr, i was 4 weeks i think
What was your reaction? devastated, scared, ashamed....tears were pouring out and i kept saying "nonononononononono. do u think it's real? nonononononononono"
Who was the first person you told? Jennifer, she's the one that told me I needed to take a test
How did you tell the father? he was right there when i saw the plus sign
What was his reaction? he held me so tight and was comforting me but he was already so excited, he saw beyond the present situation and already realized what a blessing she was
All about your pregnancy:
When is your due date? Originally August 15 but she's a c-section so probably the 4-5th.
Did you have any morning sickness? yes, really bad from about 4-12 weeks
What are your fears? her cord wrapping around her neck :(
What are you most happy about? EVERYTHING...that this is real and I get to meet her in a few weeks and be her mommy forever
Did you want a boy or girl? it didn't matter at all b/c i want both :)
What did the father want boy or girl? it didnt matter but he said he KNEW it was a girl as soon as he saw the positive
Do you know what your having? a girl :)
Do you have a name picked out? Willow Kate
How much weight have you gained? 14 pounds
Have you felt the baby move? alll the time, it's amazing!!
When you have the baby:
Are you keeping the baby? pretty sure ;) no really though, i can't imagine what those mommys go through that give their baby up, what a sacrifice!!
Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth? me-di-ca-ted
Are you scared about labor? nope :)
What do you think will be the worst part of labor? recovery
Have you taken any classes? nah, i'd rather not see all that.
Who will be in the delivery room? since it's c-section, only w can be there but i WISH so bad it was w, my mom and sister
Are you having the birth videotaped? it'll be asking a lot for w not to pass out at all so we won't push that :)
Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time? uncontrollably.
What do you think the fathers reaction to the baby will be? same, hes so in love with her
How do you think family and friends will feel? happy :)
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