Wednesday, February 24, 2010

on my mind (kristi)

something that has been on my heart very much lately is this......

when i am out in public and look around i see so many unhappy families. mom and dad are fighting, kids are whining, everybody is arguing. or i see girlfriends out together and hear them complain of their husbands. i hear kids saying they don't want to go home because it's not any fun. this breaks my heart.

i know the first and most important solution is that these people need Jesus. duh! but there are just as many families that do know the Lord that have these same issues. if any of you struggle with these things then here are some simple solutions.

1. make sure that your OWN spiritual life is healthy.
2. sit down and write down everything that happens from wake to sleep
3. look at that list and prioritize it and most likely there will be a few things you can do without
4. if you are married be your spouses greatest encourager
5. if you have children, make special time to spend with them (no phone, no computer, no distractions)
6. if you are married and have children get a babysitter and go on dates with your spouse
-you need quality time together
-it will make your relationship stronger and happier
-your kids will see this and this will make them happier
-the time you spend together as a whole family will be so much more happier
-are you catching on? :)
7. pray together!
8. make memories!
9. i think #6 is so important because i've seen so many families go through life and raise their children and when they move out the husband and wife separate because they have nothing in common anymore. the only thing that held them together was their children. how sad! so keep falling in love everyday and then when your children are grown and gone you and your spouse will still have a strong marriage built on love and not circumstances.

i know the list could go on and on and on and get so much deeper but here is the skimmed version :)
what are your thoughts?! please share!

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